Bartók & Co.

16 June 2016 @ 17:00

Miskolci Nemzeti Színház

Bartók & Co.

Bartók & Co.

204 204 people viewed this event.


Arnold Schönberg: Chamber Symphony no. 1, op. 9
George Enescu: Chamber Symphony op. 33
Béla Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances
Igor Stravinsky: Dumbarton Oaks – Concerto in E flat


FEATURING MIKAMO Central European Chamber Orchestra
Conducting: Ajtony Csaba

A concert program in search of the origin, influences and development of Bartók’s motifs.
Presented by the BartókPlusz Operafestival With the support of UE Universal Edition

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Date And Time

2016-06-16 @ 05:00 PM

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